Speaking partners are a valuable resource that help deliver an excellent, polished presentation. They serve as your guide, coach, and sounding board as you craft your speech. If you’ve never had the opportunity to work with a speaking partner before, it’s time to get started! Here are some tips on how to find a good one and what to look for in someone who is right for you.
Do you have a compelling story to tell? Do you want to develop your speaking skills? If so, then this is the guide for you. This article will help you find a speaking partner, build your confidence and practice the art of storytelling with them. See also, speaking English.
Speakers and presenters can be a huge help in the search for work opportunities. The more you speak, the more connections you make and the better your chances of landing a new job. But finding a speaker that’s right for you can be tough.
These are some tips to help you find the perfect fit for your needs.
Speakers and presenters can be a huge help in the search for work opportunities. The more you speak, the more connections you make and the better your chances of landing a new job. But finding a speaker that’s right for you can be tough.
These are some tips to help you find the perfect fit for your needs.
Many of us have seen actors and celebrities in Hollywood, who look like they can jump on stage and dazzle the audience with their voices. But, actually, how many of them can you say you can speak to? The answer is: very few. And when we think about it, there are millions of Indians who can’t talk fluently. This article explains why a speaking partner could be beneficial for all of us.
What is a speaking partner?
A speaking partner is a person who will support and help you learn how to speak in front of an audience. A great way to get started is with your best friend or spouse but the important thing here is that it should be someone who can relate well with you and where both of you are on the same page regarding this new venture.
Some people struggle making friends, especially some introverts like me because talking and socializing take too much effort for them. But, if you can find a friend who is willing to be your “speaking partner”, it will make things much easier for you in the long run.
You may have seen people like me drop their voice and try to talk as little as possible but I am not some super human being; I am just someone who wants every opportunity that comes my way no matter what circumstances are surrounding this new endeavor of mine because ultimately, this whole thing is not about me but rather it’s all about my family and the people I love.
Where to find a speaking partner?
It can be any number of people depending on you! I suggest that you don’t limit yourself to your loved ones just because “they’ll understand”. Instead, get out there and talk to as many different strangers as possible, even if you have no idea who they are. Also…get all the details about them, especially their name so when talking in front of a huge audience one day we would know who is speaking with us behind the stage! The quality of your speech is more important than the quantity.
Just start walking up to people, speaking with them just as you would if they were a friend or family member and slowly but surely this method should lead you over time on how to speak in public with confidence even before your first official talk ever happens. Once I had that extra boost from my married best friend who supported me so well through some stressful situations, I became determined for myself to build on that strength and courage to continue from there.
What are the benefits of a speaking partner?
I struggled with this for months. After doing a fair amount of research about public speaking and speaking partners, I finally settled in on the fact that there really isn’t any hidden agenda here behind all these Youtube videos. Maybe you’ve been told by some people that it’s always best to introduce yourself when seeing someone new; “and say your name”, but at least from what I have discovered so far, we don’t have any clarity to who ever is speaking. This can cause unnecessary embarrassment and conflicts that could arise to how the topic should be presented, but as I mentioned earlier it’s more important your own authenticity in presenting yourself than any dishonesty towards others.
Speak English, don’t just learn
I’m going to make myself clear by saying that any language learning techniques only work as long as you are listening and expressing your self in the target speaking language. Learning a vernacular or pidgin-like dialect, however authentic it is of what people always speak everywhere I visited, will never be elevated to an actual functional form of communication but more so just serving essentially the same purpose – switching words around until they sound similar enough to translate into another language.
Break your language barrier
Sure, it’s fun and friendly to learn another language fast. However if we ask anyone who grew up here living a Chinese or vernacular life style why they wish to see a speaker in their native languages because they want help implementing the English vocabulary correctly… well let me tell you from personal experience, this is not exactly what most people are seeking when attending my presentations.
Learn common English phrases
I always tell the audience, “not only must we learn Chinese characters but also learn common expressions” Why? So that no matter when they go to use them you know what they mean without consulting any dictionary. And even though many of these common phrases are usually used in Chinse culture, people can understand them by using other similar cultural expressions example: could it rain today or The weather looks cloudy and gloomy.
Speak more fluently
This one is a toughie to improve. But due to the fact that people tend to be resistant when you suggest they speak at an intermediate level rather than their native pace or what comes naturally, I’ll leave it up for your own personal discovery works well in context of communicating with your Chinese friends and coworkers Improve multiple skills.
All in all, I’m pretty sure that all of the above are much more effective ways to improve your Chinese.
I hope you enjoyed this article and find it useful!
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