What Is Communicative English?

In today’s world, English is not only the language of business and international trade. It is also the language of culture, communication, education, entertainment and politics. However, there are many different types of English spoken around the world. There are several characteristics that make each type unique from others. This article will take a look at these differences and highlight some of the most important ones.

For the past few years, English has undergone a transformation. First, British and American writers began turning away from writing in formal, grammatically correct language. Then, many new writers emerged with their own voice, more natural expressions and communication style. In this article, we will discuss what is Communicative English and how you can use it to communicate effectively with people from different countries.

A communicative English is one which helps you speak, write and understand English better. It is a way of learning the language which focuses on communication rather than grammar.

This article talks about the reasons why we have a strong need for communicative English and how it can be learnt by anyone.

What Is Communicative English?

Communicative English is a communicative approach that uses real life communicative activities to promote language acquisition and communication. The term “communicative” refers to the focus on conversation, which is at the heart of most communicative approaches.

What Is The Communicative Approach?

The Communicative Approach is an idea that to learn English successfully, you have to communicate in the language, in meaningful situations, in order to see the value of your work. The communicative approach is a tried and test method for helping a student to acquire valuable communicative English skills, which they see true value in.

When a student is involved with real life communication, which is also meaningful to them, they see value in their work. This can help a student to develop a natural approach to language learning and vocabulary acquisition moving forward, outside of the classroom.

The communicative approach is not just limited to real life verbal communication. It is an approach to language learning in general. For example, a class utilizing the communicative approach could also include the study of “authentic texts” – texts written in the target language for a purpose other than your language studies. By adopting the communicative approach in your English studies, you will be able to improve on your fluency, enabling you to be more confident when interacting in English.

The Communicative Approach is not new, it is said to have originated in Britain in the 1960s. So, with more than 50 years of usage as a tried and tested approach to language learning, the Communicative Approach is a proven success.

What Is Communicative Language Teaching?

Communicative Language Teaching adopts the communicative approach in order to educate a student with real meaning. Communicative Language Teaching allows learners to get involved with real communication, which will benefit their natural approach to learning a language. Communicative Language teaching has a very important role. This approach to language learning enables a student to use their new-found skills in a meaningful way, showing value from what they are learning.

When teaching communicative English, teachers can get rather creative with their approach. This is an excellent way of learning as it makes for more exciting classes, a nice change from the typical classroom and textbooks. For example, a teacher might give you an activity where the class has to come up with a role play scenario between two people. This is great because not only does it help to improve your English with creativity, but also puts pressure on you to have a real time conversation with each other in English.

The quality of Communicative Language Teaching is all dependent on the teacher. A teacher will need to make their material as motivating and as creative as they can, so that learners find their tasks meaningful, and see the value.

Another way in which a teacher might try to use the communicative approach within their classes is via cultural understanding. Having the right knowledge of a culture for the countries where your target language is being used is key to communicative language teaching. Make sure that you cover different, important cultural factors that are essential to communicating in English speaking countries. For example, in England, many people are taught to be polite and courteous, and even sometimes apologize when they are in the right, in certain situations. Knowing details like this will make it much easier to communicate with a native English speaker, or another learner also studying the language.

How To Learn Communicative English?

Are you asking yourself “How Can I Learn Communicative English”? Well, to learn how to communicate in English effectively, you have to remember it’s not all about what you learn in the classroom or from your textbook. You need to know how to converse, communicate, and think fast. Learning how to communicate in English will require a lot of practice with people who speak the language.

When practicing your Communicative English Skills with others, you should always look to improve on the way you speak, the accent and the sentence structures you use, as well as anything you can pick up from the person you are speaking with – what’s their body language like? Do they use any slang words or phrases? What tone are they using to pose questions with? You can learn so much from others, and that’s what the Communicative Approach is all about really, learning from others in a meaningful and valuable way.

Many people think that you must go and visit an English-speaking country in order to perfect your communicative English. But, this really isn’t true. While it is true that speaking with a native English speaker can dramatically improve your communicative English, there are other ways you can practice. Maybe try finding someone online from an English-speaking country to voice or video call, or, it’s more than likely that there is a local group of English Speakers in your town or city. Conversing with English speakers online or from your own town or city can be a great alternative to travelling abroad, and can be just as beneficial to your English communication skills. See also, improve internal communication.

Communicative English refers to the communicative approach to teaching English, in which students learn from real-life interactions with their teachers and peers. It was founded by John Swain (1928–2010), a teacher of adult education in Norwich who developed it after he had returned to England as a prisoner of war during World War II.