The 10 Best Ways to Learn English Languages: How you can become fluent in another tongue!

With the advent of globalization, people are becoming more and more global. In the last 10 years, there has been a dramatic increase in international students studying abroad. Many of these students need to learn English as their first language.

Yes, it is true that English is one of the most widely spoken languages in the world. However, it is also true that learning this language is not as easy as you think. This article discusses several ways to learn English, especially if you are a beginner.

A new online course is being launched by EnglishCentral that is called “Learn English Online”. It will provide free, self-paced courses for learners who are interested in learning the language. The course will cover grammar, writing and speaking skills.

Learn English Language has many advantages. It is a global language and it will help you to understand people from different countries. Learn English Language can help you in all areas of life.

How to learn English quickly: 10 tips

1. Read everything you can get your hands on

There are many ways through which you can get the knowledge of English language. You must read and learn everything that you need to know about learning English.

There is a yearly report on the “Dictionary’s” website called top-250 books in English. If your local library doesn’t have it, most libraries do order it through interlibrary loans or they will be able to find a copy if needed online (see “Related Websites ”). Also, if you don’t have access to the Internet there are many places you can get English books such as a book store or library.

2. Actively take note of new vocabulary

Are you looking for supplementary vocabulary for a course or project? Or are you simply an avid learner who always has to have the newest words in your repertoire of vocabulary. Whatever it is that keeps pulling your interest, there’s a dictionary website with all kinds of resources:

The “Dictionary’s” online site (, particularly their multi-criteria search engine and advanced charting tools make finding valueable materials easy.

A further resource to find English learning resources is Google’s web search. Type in your topic you are interested in and the site will provide a list of useful websites based off of your term(s). The teachers homepage for this course contains links to many additional sites that may be helpful for learning more about English language.

3. Talk with real live humans

Experience is important. Whether it be an interview, conversation in person or a face-to-face classroom session with another student.

If possible travel to classes yourself and talk with your instructors one on one so that you do not have to rely completely on other students for what was said back home. Hearing native English speakers speak will greatly improve your listening skills as well as the pronunciation of any new words that may have been covered in textbooks but are different than what is being said by other students.

Other methods of communication that can greatly improve your English proficiency and understanding include the following: answering emails, reading online forums such as ​StackExchange .com, using Skype or Google hangouts to correspond with teachers in real-time (quick questions/answers during an exam are also great!. ) In particular, make 3-minute video interviews while you’re waiting for a flight to ask teachers some quick questions. ​

4. Subscribe to podcasts or Youtube channels (in English)

In the past I have found it useful to subscribe to online natives audio/video podcasts and has also been helpful for me when something is explained in very simple terms. For example, there were numerous times where I was confused about what a word would mean or how grammar works such as asking teachers, watching other students on youtube trying to explain certain words etc..

5. Go abroad

The best way to improve speaking English is by improving your listening skills “listening to English is a skill” and practice makes perfection. However, I have found that the more time you spend practicing, the better so if money or time aren’t an issue this would be a great step in improving your language skills.

6. Use your friends

Ok so this tip isn’t exactly related to improving your English but it is worth mentioning nonetheless. Your friends tend to speak the same language or at least are a part of people that do and they will appreciate you if you show them some extra attention as well. I’ve been lucky enough to make new friends through my trip who were also staying in hostels with me, which has helped me learn quite a lot about how native speakers talk and experience things that I probably wouldn’t have if it hadn’t been for my friends.

7. Ask a lot of questions

Ask as many questions if you can, this will help your English without a doubt. As much as I would like to say that it is important for native speakers to speak freely and answer every question there’s really no excuse not doing so!

8. Take a lead from the stars

I’ve had many people thank me for taking the initiative to learn how to speak English since I’m a girl and foreigners are often more willing than native speakers. Of course it’s fine not speaking if it’s something that you don’t really enjoy but when possible, try your best not just so others want to speak with you rather they see an equal opportunity which could lead them into spending longer time around those who do speak English.

9. Start with what you really need

Don’t pick up a book just cause it’s pretty. I’ve bought so many books on English, they all look nice and in the shops with beautiful covers and some of them are very insightful but not necessarily one you cherish everyday. Don’t get me wrong there have been plenty that have spurred my memory of things I forgot years ago or even taught me new words each time turning a quick read into an addictive journey for hours upon end but only if you’re finding what you need, rather than copying someone else’s way of doing things and leaving the important stuff behind in their language.

10. Don’t kick yourself while you’re down

When I’m really upset about something, or in the middle of a day where everything seems like it can’t possibly get any worse then an hour later my English will suddenly be sound again as if nothing had happened.

All in all, I have a lot of respect for native speakers and I’m not one to say that they are better than me but rather the difference is in how we learn. As long as you can learn English, even if it’s not your first language, then you’re on the right track!