Different Shapes and Their Names (Useful List, Types, Examples)

Whether you’re a student, an artist, or simply curious about the world, knowing the names of different shapes can be both practical and fascinating. With this useful list, we will explore various shapes and their names, and provide examples to help you better understand and appreciate the diverse range of shapes that exist.

So, let’s dive into the world of shapes and expand our knowledge together.

What is shape meaning?

Shape meaning refers to the symbolism or significance associated with different shapes. In various cultures and contexts, different shapes can hold specific meanings or convey certain messages. For example, a circle often represents unity, eternity, or perfection, while a triangle can symbolize stability, harmony, or balance.

The interpretation of shape meaning can vary based on cultural, religious, or personal beliefs, and it is often used in art, design, and symbolism to convey deeper messages or evoke specific emotions.

Kinds of shapes and their names

There are various kinds of shapes, including:

    1. Geometric shapes
    2. Organic shapes
    3. 3D shapes
    4. Symmetrical shapes
    5. Irregular shapes
    6. Curved shapes
    7. Polygons
    8. Open shapes
    9. Regular shapes
    10. Irregular polygons

1. Geometric shapes:

These basic shapes have defined properties, such as squares, circles, triangles, rectangles, and polygons. They are often used in mathematics and design.

    1. Circle: a round shape with no sides or angles. Examples: wheels, coins.
    2. Square: a shape with four equal sides and four right angles. Examples: tiles, and picture frames.
    3. Triangle: a shape with three sides and three angles. Examples: road signs, pyramids.
    4. Rectangle: a shape with four sides and four right angles, where opposite sides are equal in length. Examples: books, doors.
    5. Oval: a stretched-out circle with curved sides. Examples: eggs, footballs.
    6. Pentagon: a shape with five sides and five angles. Examples: military badges, and stars.
    7. Hexagon: a shape with six sides and six angles. Examples: honeycomb, stop signs.

2. Organic shapes:

These shapes are irregular and free-form, often found in nature, such as clouds, leaves, or waves. They do not have well-defined boundaries or angles.

    1. Circles: Circles are a common type of organic shape that is smooth, curved, and free-flowing. They are often associated with unity, harmony, and completeness.
    2. Ovals: Ovals are elongated organic shapes that resemble stretched circles. They convey a sense of movement and elegance.
    3. Curved lines: Curved lines are organic shapes that are fluid and flowing. They can be found in nature, such as in the shape of waves or the curve of a flower petal. They often evoke a sense of grace and beauty.
    4. Amorphous shapes: Amorphous shapes are irregular and undefined, lacking distinct edges or corners. They can be found in natural elements like clouds, puddles, or tree branches. Amorphous shapes often create a sense of randomness or unpredictability.
    5. Spheres: Spheres are three-dimensional organic shapes that are round and voluminous. They are often associated with unity, perfection, and balance.
    6. Organic patterns: Organic patterns are repetitive arrangements of organic shapes, such as leaves, flowers, or waves. They can create a sense of rhythm, movement, and natural beauty.
    7. Freeform shapes: Freeform shapes are irregular and asymmetrical, lacking defined boundaries or geometric proportions. They can be found in abstract art or natural formations like rocks or tree branches. Freeform shapes often evoke a sense of uniqueness and creativity.

3. 3D shapes:

These shapes have depth and volume, unlike 2D shapes which are flat. Examples include cubes, spheres, pyramids, and cylinders.

    1. Cube: A cube is a three-dimensional shape with six equal square faces. All angles of a cube are right angles, and all sides are equal in length.
    2. Sphere: A sphere is a perfectly round three-dimensional shape. It is completely symmetrical and all points on its surface are equidistant from its centre.
    3. Cylinder: A cylinder is a three-dimensional shape with two parallel circular bases connected by a curved surface. It has two flat faces and one curved face.
    4. Cone: A cone is a three-dimensional shape with a circular base and a pointed top. It has one flat face and one curved face.
    5. Pyramid: A pyramid is a three-dimensional shape with a polygonal base and triangular faces that meet at a common vertex. The number of sides on the base determines the name of the pyramid (e.g., a triangular pyramid has a triangular base).
    6. Rectangular Prism: A rectangular prism is a three-dimensional shape with six rectangular faces. It has three pairs of equal opposite faces.
    7. Tetrahedron: A tetrahedron is a three-dimensional shape with four triangular faces. It has four vertices and six edges.

Note that some three-dimensional shapes could occur in two-dimensional forms. Also, abstract shapes refer to the shapes that have no regular shape where you can count the number of angles and sides. On the other hand, there are some two-dimensional shapes that could become three-dimensional shapes as well, like a star for example! 1

4. Symmetrical shapes:

These shapes have a balance and mirror-image quality, where one half is the same as the other when divided by a line or point of symmetry.

    1. Square: A square is a symmetrical shape with four equal sides and four equal angles. It has a rotational symmetry of 90 degrees.
    2. Rectangle: A rectangle is a symmetrical shape with four right angles and opposite sides that are equal in length. It has a rotational symmetry of 180 degrees.
    3. Equilateral Triangle: An equilateral triangle is a symmetrical shape with three equal sides and three equal angles. It has a rotational symmetry of 120 degrees.
    4. Circle: A circle is a symmetrical shape with a curved boundary that is equidistant from the centre point. It has a rotational symmetry of 360 degrees.
    5. Regular Hexagon: A regular hexagon is a symmetrical shape with six equal sides and six equal angles. It has a rotational symmetry of 60 degrees.
    6. Regular Pentagon: A regular pentagon is a symmetrical shape with five equal sides and five equal angles. It has a rotational symmetry of 72 degrees.
    7. Regular Octagon: A regular octagon is a symmetrical shape with eight equal sides and eight equal angles. It has a rotational symmetry of 45 degrees.

5. Irregular shapes:

These shapes do not have a specific or regular form, often characterized by uneven or unpredictable contours.

    1. Polygon: A polygon is a closed shape with straight sides and angles. It can have any number of sides, making it irregular if it does not meet the criteria of a regular polygon (equal sides and angles).
    2. Quadrilateral: A quadrilateral is a four-sided polygon. Irregular quadrilaterals have sides of different lengths and angles that are not equal.
    3. Pentagon: A pentagon is a five-sided polygon. Irregular pentagons have sides of different lengths and angles that are not equal.
    4. Hexagon: A hexagon is a six-sided polygon. Irregular hexagons have sides of different lengths and angles that are not equal.
    5. Heptagon: A heptagon is a seven-sided polygon. Irregular heptagons have sides of different lengths and angles that are not equal.
    6. Octagon: An octagon is an eight-sided polygon. Irregular octagons have sides of different lengths and angles that are not equal.
    7. Nonagon: A nonagon is a nine-sided polygon. Irregular nonagons have sides of different lengths and angles that are not equal.

6. Curved shapes:

These shapes have smooth, rounded lines and contours, without any sharp angles.

    1. Circle: A closed curve where all points are equidistant from the center.
    2. Oval: A stretched circle that is elongated in one direction.
    3. Ellipse: A closed curve that is similar to an oval, but with two distinct centers.
    4. Semicircle: Half of a circle, created by cutting it along its diameter.
    5. Crescent: A curved shape that resembles a crescent moon, with a rounded and pointed end.
    6. Spiral: A curve that winds around a central point, continuously getting closer or farther from the center.
    7. Parabola: A U-shaped curve that is symmetrical and open-ended.

7. Polygons:

These shapes are closed figures with straight sides, typically with three or more sides.

    1. Triangle: A polygon with three sides and three angles.
    2. Quadrilateral: A polygon with four sides and four angles.
    3. Pentagon: A polygon with five sides and five angles.
    4. Hexagon: A polygon with six sides and six angles.
    5. Heptagon: A polygon with seven sides and seven angles.
    6. Octagon: A polygon with eight sides and eight angles.
    7. Nonagon: A polygon with nine sides and nine angles.

8. Open shapes:

These shapes do not have a closed boundary or are missing certain parts.

    1. A line: is a straight path that extends infinitely in both directions.
    2. A ray: is a line that has one endpoint and extends infinitely in one direction.
    3. A line segment: is a portion of a line with two distinct endpoints.
    4. Curves: are smooth, continuous lines that change direction.
    5. Spirals: are curved lines that continuously get larger or smaller as they move away from or towards a central point.
    6. Arcs: are portions of a curve that are defined by two endpoints and a center point.
    7. Open polygons: are shapes with straight sides that do not connect to form a closed figure.

9. Regular shapes:

These shapes have sides and angles that are all equal.

    1. Square: A square is a regular polygon with four equal sides and four equal angles of 90 degrees.
    2. Rectangle: A rectangle is a regular polygon with four sides and four right angles, but opposite sides are equal in length.
    3. Triangle: A triangle is a regular polygon with three sides and three angles. Depending on the lengths of its sides and angles, it can be classified as equilateral, isosceles, or scalene.
    4. Circle: A circle is a regular shape that has no sides or angles. It is defined by a set of points that are equidistant from a fixed center point.
    5. Pentagon: A pentagon is a regular polygon with five equal sides and five equal angles.
    6. Hexagon: A hexagon is a regular polygon with six equal sides and six equal angles.
    7. Octagon: An octagon is a regular polygon with eight equal sides and eight equal angles.

10. Irregular polygons:

These shapes have sides and angles that are not all equal.

    1. Triangle: A triangle is a polygon with three sides and three angles. The lengths of the sides and the measures of the angles can vary in a triangle, making it an irregular polygon.
    2. Quadrilateral: A quadrilateral is a polygon with four sides and four angles. Examples of irregular quadrilaterals include trapezoids, parallelograms, and rectangles with non-equal sides and angles.
    3. Pentagon: A pentagon is a polygon with five sides and five angles. Like other irregular polygons, the lengths of the sides and the measures of the angles can differ in a pentagon.
    4. Hexagon: A hexagon is a polygon with six sides and six angles. Irregular hexagons can have sides and angles of different lengths and measures.
    5. Heptagon: A heptagon is a polygon with seven sides and seven angles. Irregular heptagons can have sides and angles that are not all equal.
    6. Octagon: An octagon is a polygon with eight sides and eight angles. Irregular octagons can have sides and angles of varying lengths and measures.
    7. Nonagon: A nonagon is a polygon with nine sides and nine angles. Irregular nonagons can have sides and angles that are not all equal.


Q1. What are the 15 shapes and their names?

  1. Circle
  2. Triangle
  3. Square
  4. Rectangle
  5. Pentagon
  6. Hexagon
  7. Heptagon
  8. Octagon
  9. Nonagon
  10. Decagon
  11. Dodecagon
  12. Oval
  13. Heart
  14. Star
  15. Crescent

Q2. What are the 12 types of shapes and their names?

  1. Circle
  2. Square
  3. Rectangle
  4. Triangle
  5. Pentagon
  6. Hexagon
  7. Octagon
  8. Oval
  9. Diamond
  10. Heart
  11. Star
  12. Crescent

Q3. What are the names of the rectangle shapes?

  • Rectangle
  • Square (a special type of rectangle with all sides equal)
  • Oblong (a rectangle with unequal sides)
  • Parallelogram (a rectangle with opposite sides parallel)

Q4. What are the basic shapes and their names?

  • Circle: a round shape with no corners or edges.
  • Triangle: a shape with three sides and three angles.
  • Square: a shape with four equal sides and four right angles.
  • Rectangle: a shape with four sides and four right angles, where opposite sides are equal in length.

In conclusion, understanding different shapes and their names is essential as it helps in communication, education, and everyday life. Whether it’s identifying objects, solving geometric problems, or simply describing something, knowing the names of shapes enables us to effectively communicate and comprehend the world around us.


  1. English. (2022b, April 4). Shapes & its Names in English – English 100. English 100.

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