What Type of Language is English? A Guide to the Grammar, Vocabulary and Usage Of English

what type of language is English

The English language is a mix of Germanic and Celtic origins. This means that it developed from the same family as French, Italian, Spanish, Welsh, and Irish. The structure of English is similar to French with the addition of a few words and phrases that are unique to it. However, there are also many words … Read more

The 5 Reasons I want to Go There

how to improve English

The language you speak will not only determine the kind of job you get, but also the culture of your daily life. There are many ways in which learning English improves your chances of a good job. It opens up new career opportunities and broadens your horizons. The process of learning is also fun and … Read more

LinDuo: Spanish For Beginners – App Review

Español para principiantes Es un idioma hermoso con una rica historia y cultura. Aprender español puede ser una tarea abrumadora, pero con la ayuda de esta aplicación, puedes aprender español en poco tiempo. Esta aplicación está especialmente diseñada para principiantes que desean aprender español de manera rápida y efectiva. ¿Está planeando aprender español o planea … Read more

Speaking English

speaking English

How do you improve your English? Do you know that speaking English well is essential to advance in your career? Here are a few tips on how to speak English well. See also, how to speak better English. We all speak English, but do we really know what it is? Here are some interesting facts … Read more

Pimsleur Learn Spanish Conversation – App Review

¿Quieres aprender español? ¿Ya habla otro idioma, pero quiere familiarizarse con el idioma español? Si es así, Pimsleur es la mejor manera de hacerlo. Es un método que utiliza indicaciones de audio y visuales combinadas con ejercicios basados ​​en el contexto para enseñarle las palabras y frases adecuadas para usar en las conversaciones diarias. El … Read more

Pimsleur Learn French Conversation – App Review

Pimsleur est une nouvelle marque du cours de langue Pimsleur. Basé sur une méthode ancienne et éprouvée, il est conçu pour vous enseigner le français rapidement et efficacement. L’idée derrière cette marque est que n’importe qui peut apprendre une langue étrangère avec ce programme. Pimsleur Learn French est une application qui propose des cours audio … Read more

How to Improve your English Writing Skills?

English writing

After a long day, there’s nothing better than getting home and relaxing. But that doesn’t mean you can afford to write in lowercase. If you are going to share your writing with the world, it should be written in proper English! Here’s a guide on how to construct the correct sentence structure and capitalize properly. … Read more

The 10 Best Ways to Learn English Languages: How you can become fluent in another tongue!

learn English language

With the advent of globalization, people are becoming more and more global. In the last 10 years, there has been a dramatic increase in international students studying abroad. Many of these students need to learn English as their first language. Yes, it is true that English is one of the most widely spoken languages in … Read more