How To Read Better: An English Reading Strategy That You Can Use Today!

This is the first article in a series of articles to help you learn English as a Second Language. The aim of this series is to help you improve your English language skills and increase your reading ability.

There are many ways to learn English, but this article focuses on the most effective methods that have been used by students and professionals alike. From learning new words in context, using flashcards, and reading comic books, you can improve your vocabulary faster than ever before.

To read is a very important activity in the life of every human being. Reading helps us to become better informed, develops our analytical skills, and also lets us learn new things. Reading is something that most people take for granted but which is actually very difficult to master since it requires high concentration and effort. But reading can be fun as well.

These days, the language of business is English. In fact, there are few and far between companies that do not use English for their communication. However, this doesn’t mean that you need to be a native speaker to communicate effectively in English. Here’s how you can improve your reading skills in English with the help of technology. See also, how to improve English reading comprehension.

How to Improve Your Reading Skills

Set aside time to read each day.

There are very few people who read every day. This is because reading requires a lot of time, especially if as an adult you have other distractions such as TV shows and online activities that monopolize your attention.

If not all the time in your day has been set aside to study, then agree with yourself on how much time you will devote to it—perhaps five hours or less each week?   Reading forces us to slow down our pace of life and puts into practice what we have been taught about the value of learning as a child: it’s worth it.

Set reading goals.

Consider what you want to achieve with your reading. Do you simply wish to be able evaluate the writing of a scientific article or do you have ambition to catch up on all that material?  Do not try and do everything all at once, but clear priorities should always be set first: Choose the top priority before allowing yourself anything else.

Preview the texts you read.

It is a good idea to check the text before you even start reading it. Many people prefer to read without any prior knowledge about the subject matter of what they are reading and may be surprised by how interested or bored they get if all that information were available from their first paragraph, which is usually the most boring part for someone who hasn’t come prepared, nor does this prepare them when trying new but somewhat related contents within a same volume.

Determine the purpose.

One of the crucial importance in learning how to read is knowing the purpose behind it. Even if you are reading a novel, there will surely be some sort of meaning from what was mentioned and this may come handy for your future studies or personal life.

Apply key reading strategies.

The steps of reading are not that strict, but having a methodICAL guide on your work always goes hand in hand with the skills improvement.

Organize yourself before you start reading.  Needless to say, if every right would be wrong: what is also important however is organizing everything for better concentration after finishing one step at once? Preview the texts you read. This is probably one of the most useful and powerful strategy which every regular reader should implement in his or her works: do not start until you have review all fields, whether it’s science, math or language for example; without this step, our brains just don’t ‘count’ unless we try to follow a format theory later.  

Take notes while you read.

This is extremely important for those of you who wish to be able to use pieces and chapters later without having to turn at every single page as long as possible.  

Remember what you have read: Write down notes after reading if it’s necessary, but memorization should not make up a big part of your practice; instead keep in mind how parts were discussed or structured which will lead you towards future works with the same lesson they teach us before.

Apply what you read by summarizing.

Summarizing is one of the most facto studies and often taught at schools. For reading purposes, it’s especially important to apply this methodical process while holding a text in your mind forever after you have finished reading. Hopefully by now explaining each specific point will be easier since all steps are presented here:

Figure out what information we read about for example time, gender or relationship descriptions; add up details like names etc.; Then… choose the most important bit!

My conclusion about summarizing is probably different from what you expected maybe, but this is quite simple: if previous ideas must be repeated a lot in long work we usually read it again to apply them. And doing so because our mind doesn’t remember everything; Yes I just said that summaries are not yet ‘works’ really but rather acts of memorization and students need some way in which they know where we are again after reading a certain part, so good old summaries do not harm our future works any way.  

In fact, we will tell what names were mentioned before leaving the summary in place since this is also how it’s done nearly everywhere except in folklores where they rewrite everything completly and entirely new versions of these stories can result (or maybe this only happens to me because I was bad at summarizing).

All in all, if you think of summarizing as a methodical process, it is easy to apply. There are many different ways to summarize, but the main idea is that the summary should be able to repeat the main ideas and information from the text we read. You May Like learn English, listening to English is a skill.