Quotation on language

quotation on language

I don’t know how many languages I’ve learned, but the number is probably high. In fact, at one point in my life, I had a very good grasp of five. These days, though, my skill set is more like… something. It might be better to call it “language” or “languages,” but in any case, I’m … Read more

I went to learn English

i want to learn English

It is important to keep learning new things and enriching your life. These days, there are many ways to do so. You can watch movies or TV shows, listen to music, take a language course or even read a book. However, the biggest way of learning is through watching videos on YouTube. Want to learn … Read more

Memrise – learning swedish

Det finns en stor del av världens befolkning som ständigt reser från en plats till en annan. Det har orsakat att varje dag söker fler och fler människor ett andra språk att lära sig. Men framför så många nya språk att lära sig kan det vara svårt att bara välja ett. Människor väljer vanligtvis de … Read more

How to Use News To Learn English

learn English news

We all know that learning English is beneficial to our professional and personal lives. But how much do we know about the importance of English language in today’s world? We bring you some interesting facts and news related to the English language and the state of the global English-speaking community. You are not alone if … Read more

Studying English

studying English

Studying English abroad can be a good way to develop your skills, learn about another culture, and improve your job prospects. Here’s our list of things you need to know before going abroad to study. The internet has changed the way we consume information. What was once spread through newspapers, magazines, and books is now … Read more

Learn English with Songs!

learning English with song

Learn English with a catchy song! Learn how to say “I love you” in English.  A fun way to learn new words and phrases while singing along. Nowadays, English is the most popular language in the world. Millions of people speak and write it every day. Many of them have studied abroad or have friends … Read more