If you are going to go abroad for the first time, it is recommended that you speak English. However, even if you are a native speaker, it will still be helpful to practice your English speaking skills in order to get better at conversing with people in a new environment.
Do you want to learn English but don’t have anyone around to practice with? You can do it by yourself. Practice makes perfect, and learning a language is no different. However, you will need to put in the time and effort to get better at speaking it.
How can I practice my English speaking when I am alone? It is not a very easy question. Most of the times, you will be face to face with your friends, family members and your colleagues. But what if you are stuck in the middle of nowhere or have nobody to talk to?
In this blog post, we will help you learn how to improve your English speaking skills by practicing it. See also, speaking English.
When you are alone in a foreign country, it is natural to feel nervous and scared. But don’t worry! There are plenty of simple ways to practice your English when you are on your own.
1. Teach yourself a speech or monologue
It is one of the easiest ways to practice your language. Anyone can do it, and you don’t need any help. Simply read something aloud in front of a mirror or record yourself giving out monologues in English (you will have fun doing this). Practice until you feel comfortable while reading an essay or talking about whatever topic that catches your fancy – from simple sentences such as “Good morning/afternoon,” to longer grammar exercises suchas “It is good weather today.”
You can talk until you’re blue in the face and try to improve your speech while practicing.
2. Memorize your favorite quotes to repeat out loud
Memorizing famous quotes is another way to practice your language. The best source of good material are the Internet. You can start with some relatively easy ones, such as “The world is a stage” or even less known ones written by poets like Shakespeare or Goethe , which you will definitely remember easily but be also able to speak fluently.
3. Memorize your favorite song, and sing it!
The easiest way to practice your through singing songs is by playing a song you already know. It’s just as easy as memorizing them! This can also be done while commuting, in work or school, especially if they are short and with lyrics that you remember easily.
4. Memorize a poem that speaks to you
Poems are poems and great for memorizing. You can find them online, in magazines or biographies of famous persons. Be sure to remember the names of all the lines because you will have to choose one at a time while reciting it before an exam if necessary!
5. Have a discussion with yourself
Sometimes while travelling you may see a sign, billboard or just some green in the field. You might stop and take great pleasure to think about them – maybe even finding the language of those signs! It’s very practical, especially when travelling abroad since sometimes it’s hard to make out text due more than anything else “what breathes next door” (signs put up for foreign tourists).
6. Dictate your ideas instead of writing them down
There are so many devices where you can process audio information into text. You can use a smartphone or recent iPhone model, which is the most common nowadays. But there’s also an app that will remember everything – Speak it helps to learn vocabulary and find content ideas while on the go: great combination!
Make every day productive by practicing language from home with this set of French lessons, more than 300 professionally recorded phrases included for free access.
7. Use the Rubber Duck Method
They are earplugs that fit into the back of a brother sister sibling’s head to make their voices sound more like robots in ‘Lost In Space’ . Some people don’t like wearing them and prefer something else.
8. Use a voice recording app
You can sometimes get really creative with this app and record your own voice speaking the text you’re going to learn. It’s also easier than using a speech recognition software which often seems less accurate when compared to “original” recording by a native speaker (a teacher or professor).
9. Record yourself speaking on video
This may sound crazy, but if you can record yourself while reading a text on your smartphone screen and turn it into an MP3 this way even in high quality (avoid low sounds) recorded words will become more meaningful since there is no mix-up of audio tones.
10. Check-in with your progress once a month
Look back at what you’ve learned, improve your new vocabulary and memorize useful expressions. If you can’t remember any words don’t worry because even one is enough to earn a gold star
– remember, you’re trying to go through the learning process at a faster pace so it’s perfectly ok not to memorize every word of a text.
All in all, – make a timetable of your French lessons and stick to it.
– set yourself a goal to reach by the end of the month or the next time you go back to France.
– take your time with each lesson, don’t cram along and stay motivated. Finish the whole set at least once earlier than expected (it won’t be easy but it is a goal of yours to do forever).