Top five motivations for learning English

There are many good reasons to learn English. There is an old saying that states that “a language is a road to understanding the world”. The beauty of languages is that they can help you understand the nuances of other cultures, which in turn helps you build your own culture as well. Learning a foreign language also has several practical benefits for business. Here’s our list of five reasons why learning English should be on your list of priorities.

Learning English is something that every person must do. If you are looking to learn English, then here are the top five motivations for learning a new language.

Why do you want to learn English? Here are the top five reasons why students choose to learn English.

Learning English has become a necessary skill for professionals, especially in the tourism industry. However, there are many different reasons why you should learn English. Here’s a list of top five motivations that you may have to learn English.

1. Learning English makes it easier to communicate while abroad

Apart from the many practical benefits of learning English, a benefit that is often missed by students and entrepreneurs alike is how it will make your job easier while in another country. English opens up so many opportunities to understand countries better and vice versa. Here you can ask stuff like: How do they say ‘How are you’ where I’m coming from? or Where would you recommend visiting this weekend given my limited budget/time… Learning English helps to talk to people from different cultures.

2. English is the closest the world comes to having a global language

While there are many languages spoken all over the world, not everyone speaks English. The closest thing we have to a global language is English and that is what makes it such an important skill to learn. Learning this skill will open up so many doors for you as it opens communication between people who do speak different languages.

3. Learning English facilitates communication with people from different countries

Learning English along with another language will make it easier to communicate and understand people of different cultures. The more languages you know, the greater your opportunities are at communicating with other people. In some cases, learning a second or third language may also help you get better jobs which is essential in today’s society where job markets have become internationalized so much that finding work can be very difficult if one doesn’t use their communication skills correctly.

4. Learning English improves career prospects

Speaking a few words in English will make you stand out to employers while on the other hand, knowing more than one language can actually help you get better jobs. Paying attention is important here: unless your rare skill set requires proficiency, only speak enough so that people have some idea what it means when they hear it. Speak too much and learn English slowly because of all the time wasted during translation breaks, or pick up speed and keep speaking English.

5. Learning English makes working life easier

As previously mentioned, learning English isn’t just about talking to people and understanding them. Learning a second language will allow you to communicate with people from other countries very easily which is essential in any job market. If you want better working opportunities or wish for work life continuity then learn English as soon as possible because being fluent obviously open up numerous career options for those many who are bilingual!

How do you guys find the motivation to study everyday?

And if you guys didn’t know what is the point of knowing English, here it goes:

1. One way to help reduce inflation by 1% over time. This helps household budgets and gives everyone in the country a renewed sense of hope that South Africa will progress from here on out (economically).

2. Improves all types of communications with people who speak other languages ie facilitating business transactions & deal making overseas as well as being able to access information online. (World Wide web)

3. Helps you travel and take trips overseas, thereby avoiding costly airline tickets in the upcoming years when we’ll revert to CP re-exchange rates – with money saved on flights that would have otherwise been allocated toward job training towards increasing productivity. Plus travelling opens up new opportunities for learning a particular country’s culture as well as helping others abroad understand our Afrikaans/Afrikaansising society.

4. Learning a language closes the gap between cultures (makes South Africans more integrated) and also help to promote better understanding amongst our visitors who are usually overwhelmed with how important it is that they acknowledge your good manners, especially when you’re speaking in Afrikaans. Knowing English will allow even those less acculturated people, or foreigners visiting this country learn about all of these things easily! Which means taking their time, they will thank you.

5. Increased income! Since many young South Africans are choosing to study English, the more kids who are forced to go back and forth between Afrikaans & English, the better since it also equates with a higher economic growth due to increased automation of our trades’ work processes which in turn forces an increase in efficiency meant for less manual labour jobs (Example: Our economy needs both “Americanized” fast food service staff as well as computer generated work processes).

6. This means more jobs for South Africans looking to improve their standard of living in a growing country! More people will take up apprenticeships, and this was the only way most  migrant workers got better paid positions (2 year/1 minute training period) so that they could afford fresh fruit & vegetables rather than receive low wages paying them malnutrition.