Improve Your English Reading Comprehension Skill

Reading comprehension is a key skill that every student should learn because reading helps us understand our surroundings and gives us knowledge. It also lets us know what’s happening in the world, how we are different from others, and how we can achieve our goals. This article will tell you about the importance of reading comprehension and help you improve it.

Reading comprehension is one of the most important skills a student can develop. It enables students to fully understand and interpret texts, and it’s also an essential skill for effective communication. The first step in improving reading comprehension is understanding how the brain processes information. Here are three practical tips that will help you improve your reading comprehension. See also, English reading.

What is reading comprehension?

Reading comprehension is the ability to understand what a text says. It can vary from simple understanding and interpretation, down to revealing complex information that’s hidden in plain sight. Reading difficulty presents many challenges for most people learn English as a second language (ESL) but by following some basic tips you will quickly improve your reading comprehension skills.

How do we read? “Reading” is one of those words that everybody thinks about without really knowing how it’s done. Normally we try and understand the meaning, but sometimes things are more complex than that and you need to go further by finding out exactly what a text is saying.

There are two components of reading comprehension: text comprehension vocabulary knowledge. Comprehension means understanding what the text is all about, but it does not mean the list of possible meanings that can be attached to a given word. Comprehension also includes factors such as humor and statements like “that’s too good to check”.

Why are reading comprehension skills important?

  • Reading comprehension is related to self-awareness, simple and complex communication, productive learning times and the effective use of time. It enables students to become independent learners who can identify their weaknesses in a reading text .
  • Reading comprehension (retaining skills) limits ability to maintain focus on tasks which limit the classroom teachers’ teaching approach activities by using books as an aid towards developing children’s life skills.
  • Reading comprehension are also important while understanding vast amounts of information from the Internet.
  • Learning to read is a lot like learning how to drive. You learn basic skills and concepts over time, with practice and as you get more experienced in driving. The same goes for reading comprehension .

Overall techniques can ensure that there are no barriers among students in understanding what they read: (1) using good organizational tactics, such as highlighting key points or taking notes; (2) finding relevant background words within the text so that students can gain a broader understanding of the document; (3) using web or library research tools to increase their knowledge on topics.

7 reading strategies you can use to improve your comprehension skills

1. Improve your vocabulary.

Try using the dictionary to check your understanding of the word on a regular basis. If you don’t know how to spell it, look up its meaning in this type of book.

Try defining new words (directly from text or with an online dictionary) so that reading becomes more interesting and complex for students. Try looking at synonyms and other related words within context, until these definitions are understood by learners. Over time, vocabulary will become a valuable tool for the readers.

Use narration to help students understand complex content or information in an effective manner, using simple but precise language (to convey what is really important).

2. Come up with questions about the text you are reading.

Have students follow with the main points in text so that they focus on differences between author’s opinions and those of other figures, comparing them to their understanding.

If directly asking questions you will see a spike in your comprehension level. One interesting way to ask good questions is:  “How would it have been different if…?”, ” What was Lord Charles constantly thinking about?” or try ” How did he feel when…” question asking. Another tip is to use a question in the form of a proverb, an emblem or any other kind or statement that could be found while reading.

Repeat what you’ve read (paragraph-wise) with your students and have them do it at the same time as well. This way they won’t miss out on anything said by authors if riding back-to-back comments.

3. Use context clues.

The more they understand the context in which a word was featured, the richer their understanding is; putting this into practice allows them to reread and analyze authors’ work. Use of contextual clues makes reading for meaning possible instead of simply decoding information already known.

4. Look for the main idea.

This will help students to discriminate between different ideas within authors’ text, aiding in their understanding of the topic at hand.

Introduce a concept and have them expand upon it by finding examples, vocabulary/words and supporting texts that you relate with this idea.

5. Write a summary of what you read.

This includes summarizing information about the text that you read from main points to support/characterize key ideas and issues. It will also help students focus on important pieces of information as well as understanding cited facts in more depth.

6. Break up the reading into smaller sections.

This may involve reading a chapter in one sitting, but taking smaller pieces and putting them into outlines can help students organize their main points more clearly. Naturally this method will also allow for faster understanding because the number of words read is shorter.

7. Pace yourself.

Reading at a fast pace is stressful to the brain and can cause visual “flickering” which will affect memory, concentration and comprehension of information. Reading slowly may make readers feel stressed due to an inability grasp or remember important details because their brains are reading multiple words quickly without being able to pick out any individual ones from within the assorted lists of letters.

All in all, reading can be a difficult skill to master. However, if students are able to find a method that works for them, they will have the ability to fully comprehend the text that they read. Reading skills can also help students with other academic areas such as writing, history and social studies. You May Like is English hard to learn.