Why is Language Important For People

English is the de facto global language. It’s an international lingua franca and has become a part of the everyday culture for many people. Learning it is a good thing, even if you are already fluent in your mother tongue. Here’s why English is important to learn. See also, why learning English is important.

Why did English become important?

English is the only language that we know. It’s also important because it has become a driving force in terms of globalization and communication. See also, why is English important.

English as worldwide business language… In ancient times, people communicated mostly through oral means or even by writing on cereals reserved for storing grain like wheat etc before they invented paper to write everyday conversation upon. Then came the invention of printing press which turned into book after books were written using previously developed ideas called the alphabet. English was one of the first languages to be written in, and it spread beyond of just Europe into other parts from Asia to America.

“English language everywhere…” The best methods for selling products or communicating advertisements were through illustration drawings which could quickly transmit messages whether about product features, company profile, prices etc. And here’s when the printing press made books available. When you see book on printed matter its called “English”. In a way it made English worldwide.

10 Reasons to Learn English

1. More Opportunity for Jobs

Many fields of work require at least basic communication skills in order to understand instructions, devise ideas for various projects and execute tasks needed on time, whether alone or together with a team.

For example, doctors who know English are capable of getting medical reports from all over the world without much difficulty; teachers can teach in any part of the world given their knowledge plus native English-speaking –speaking English– accent and learning “English through Movies” is good enough if you’re on holiday and don’t have to travel a lot. 

2. English is a global language

According to the article ” The biggest challenge of SEE-Ai Group – language” by Yao Ding regarding SEEA, English is a global language spoken at school levels in over 170 countries worldwide. Each country has different Standards of Education that are different from one another even though it’s taught in English and this way everybody’s learning it very well despite its rules being applied differently. Read more about is English a global language.

3. Learning English can help you meet new people

It was said that meeting a new person is easier in English. Friendships with internationals and different cultures helps people adapt to other places, so learn the language along with your friends who are learning English when they travel around vacations or have jobs at responsibility positions abroad.

Teachers say ” (A)English Language enables a child to communicate effectively and gives him/her excellent command over vocabulary” while assigning textbooks of their choice as some prefer an American way while others like the British, European and Asians. Apples and oranges is a slang used to refer different languages that can be compared or likened with each other since they’re all one in their own right but cater for the needs of students who are fluent or not fluent respectively learning their respective primary language at school.

4. Many scientific papers are written in English

It is common to find many people in science or profession that are skilled as well but why do they all know English so well? The world has advanced because at the end of the day, regardless where you work, it’s in writing. Research papers may not be only written by a single person but they’re also presented and performed with other researchers who have more knowledge than them and this way those words enable further understanding from somebody else. They don’t even have to picked the words, sentences or paragraphs that can go very far in research projects since finding out obscure patterns and links easily with English is what makes people efficient.

Also there are many mistakes you see in English language because of its complex grammar rules which normally means they’re written by a native speaker; sounds common sense but everyone do it regardless of their level when writing something as formal. So if somebody provokes you online, just show them a proof their grammar issue is incorrect.

5. English is the language of the media industry

When you’re a big company due to the lack of business language, codes and abbreviations for formal messages it means that English is one language that all may be able or not willing use depending on what their place in their profession; CEO’s are good at speaking but need better written communication which usually leads them to hire professional staff who know how things would look if they wanted publicised accordingly.

It can’t just apply with employees though as there have been a lot of CEOs we interviewed who didn’t seem to like English and with those top echelons, there are also other staff that use even less formal.

6. English is the language of the Internet.

Yes, a lot of people believe that English is not the language we use on the Internet but it can be very necessary due to its simplicity and accessibility. There’s lots of websites using languages other than Arabic where more information may go lost than in English making it famous as one most used languages outside Arabic.

 7. Travelling is a lot easier with a good knowledge of English

Travel is played such a vital role as it’s one of services most people can have access to, whether travelling between different countries or even just city-to-city within the same country. Many foreign languages are famous in some areas where tourists may want to experience new stuff outside Arabic but find out there wasn’t enough information regarding paying for tickets and getting into certain buildings; English being required especially when you’re at least 26 years old.

8. English is one of the most important languages for business

There’s a case for this all around the world but in some cases, English may play such a role that it expands business into places where other languages cannot.

9. With English, you can study all over the world

You may find more English books showing up in the bookstore here than you know what to do with; they’re practically only selling Arabic ones.

This goes back to point 2 from above but it’s not just that as there are people worldwide who have discovered a way out of poverty through knowing something about computers or electronics altogether, whether programming for fun or for business purposes; sometimes combining these two traits is what helps you connect one place in yours and beyond.

10. English gives you access to multiple cultures

You can go and study in America, visit the country you dream of; so many other fascinating places are available There’s always more to be discovered somewhere else.

All in all, English is a universal language and the ability to speak it is a skill that everyone should have. It’s important to know English as well as you can in order to be able to travel, study, or do business with people from all over the world.