English is the most widely spoken language in the world. And it’s also the most spoken language on mobile phones globally. Today, more than 2 billion people use English as their first language and nearly another 1.5 billion use it as a second language.
English is the most important language of the world. The British Empire which made the English language flourish, still dominates the world. Today, over two billion people speak English as their first language. However, in many countries, especially in Africa and Asia, English is not taught or even spoken by people. If you want to succeed in these areas then it is important that you learn and master this most important international language.
The importance of English Language in India is well known for the country to be part of two major international organisations namely United Nations and World Trade Organisation. It has also been declared as one of the National Linguistic Minorities by UNESCO. The government believes that maintaining and promoting the language can be an important element in ensuring a sustainable growth of India’s economy.
English is the language of business, communication and education. It is the world’s most widely spoken language and is the common language for more than two billion people around the globe. It is a member of the Anglosphere family, which also includes languages such as English, Spanish, Portuguese, French, Russian and other related languages like Hindi and Arabic. English remains one of the most commonly spoken languages in various parts of the world despite the fact that it has not been around since antiquity.
10 Reasons to learn English
1. English is a global language
English is the most commonly spoken language in the world. You will find it in nearly every book, CD and mp3 player around the globe. Its a business language which is used by major corporations such as Google and Microsoft to communicate with their staff on many aspects related to different departments of theirs. It’s also one of the most commonly played sports across various levels in all parts of existence – be it football or tennis you’ll find English being spoken almost everywhere.
2. Studying English can help you get a job
Annual salary for an average English-speaking native speakers ranges between Rs.4,00,000 and 15 Lakhs per annum
Although the majority of people have jobs in foreign countries as interpreters or translators there is a growing demand from home country employers too looking to hire Indian professionals with good proficiency in this language. International companies are expanding their offices abroad making it absolutely necessary that they provide the best possible service at par which will only be possible if a large number of their employees are well conversant in English. See, speaking English.
See our list of best colleges for studying bachelor’s degree worldwide.
3. Learning English can help you meet new people
Most of the people living in India learn at least a few words, phrases and expressions in English. It’s important to be able to communicate easily with native speakers because it will help you understand other languages better. You can also impress your friends when they opt for an evening out while explaining directions or share their initial impressions on places sightseeing during the day since even a well-meaning unskilled foreigner would feel bad if he could not speak up some basic English. With more and more publications on foreign countries coming out, learning English can also help you gain insights about other cultures which in turn would change your viewpoint and consequently the way side of life will look outside India.
4. Many scientific papers are written in English
The publication of many research papers in specific scientific journals with names like Science, Nature and Cell are published worldwide in English. Universities recruit foreign experts to grade theses by forces such as USA or UK (e.g.: Oxford University), where PhD holders could earn $1 Million dollars per annum for just grading a thesis .
5. English is the language of the media industry
Television, radios and many forms of media are in English. Hip-hop artists have even become successful by singing only English songs which accentuate the misconception that foreign languages do not matter much for gaining popularity/fame apart from acting as a medium to connect with diverse audience worldwide.
6. English is the language of the Internet.
Given the expectation of instant gratification, English is also the most popular language for browsing websites and communicating with others. It’s a shortcoming but it does have its uses:
i)You can immediately get whatever information you desire from virtually anywhere – Indian websites are typically written in local languages making it difficult to find what you want on them (e.g.: ‘English’ works), particularly those offering news on international affairs which usually consist mainly of translation of other languages.
7. Travelling is a lot easier with a good knowledge of English
En route during a trip to India, English-speaking nations like US and UK which have big communities in the country add extra attractions of its own by inviting Indians – to teach them English or participate in various business events at their residences. If you are lucky enough, then you will be allowed visit some other part of the world!
8. English is one of the most important languages for business
If you are willing to operate your business in India, it’s highly preferable that English is not only made a compulsory subject but also become the first language. A ten year old kid in Punjab has surely been exposed to this necessity and by the time he grows up amongst multilingual people who more often speak English than any other language – well, then there virtually won’t be many hurdles hopping on his road of learning as far as academics go!
9. With English, you can study all over the world
One of the numerous advantages of learning it is that during your study you can continue to work outside India and earn a decent amount if at all possible. This can be beneficial in many ways such as securing better employment positions, engaging yourself with companies in foreign countries where Indians are usually found riding high on their knowledge (of other languages) which saves them through odd situations or makes jobs easier for these people especially when language skills aren’t even required due to being familiar with the job as well.
10. English gives you access to multiple cultures
You can develop widest exposure to the world, visit new places and experience cultures from countries I2I could never become familiar with without learning English. If you don’t find your ability in Indian languages is adequate enough for teaching purposes or professional degree courses or work-related events, then using this language will help transform yourself into someone who isn’t bound down by a single culture but enjoys all of them at once!
All in all, English is an essential part of our lives. If you’re not going to learn it, then it’s better to be prepared for the worst! You May Like important of English language,