Steps For Better Speaking Real English

In the ever-changing world of globalization, speaking English is becoming a necessity. People are now looking for better and easy ways to learn English. If you want to learn how to speak better English, this article will show you five key things you can do today.

Do you want to speak English fluently? You should start learning it right now. If you haven’t tried yet, here are some useful tips on how to speak better English.

1. Imitate away

When most people think about learning English, they think about reading, writing and speaking. But what you should probably do is learn to imitate someone. I always say that a person who can translate languages fluently does not just have the knowledge of two languages, but instead has many more first-hand experiences than anyone else in the world! Therefore all you need to do is learn how to copy other people’s speech patterns through imitation which helps improve your ability each time that you do it. See also, how to improve English speaking.

2. Learn new words and grammar

I do not think that learning difficult words is a big challenge at all, but instead you should begin with the basics: know lots of new vocabulary; learn how to conjugate regular verbs; and most importantly, practice these things by speaking! The more often you speak English out loud , the better speech pattern your brain will imitate when next try to use an unfamiliar expression. When talking at work, make sure to speak in clear, understandable sentences.

3. Practice alone and aloud

 Even if you’re trying to talk with someone ELSE simultaneously, practice talking by yourself at home for some time!   Your brain will imagine how it feels when attempting your speech pattern. Stuttering can be cured only by learning speaking fluently through imitation – so this step is especially important- everybody need strong auditory feedback in order to form the correct speech patterns.

4. Watch your fluency

So that you can develop fluency called “automaticity”. Automaticity means nerve cells in your brain automatically memorize sequences of phonemes so that you don’t need to think about it too much when talking, but there will always be an occasional lapse between words – because automatic memory is not perfect, and mistakes happen! Here are three ways I do this myself :

ِ1. when I’m trying to say something, but get stuck, and cannot remember what I want to say next – just repeat it very quickly in my mind; this helps me continue speaking without hesitation  (most people do not know that they’re repeating themselves)

2. if you fail at a word pronunciation because of stress (say “letter” instead of “lehter”), try slow motion voice recording from the side: sight perception is interrupted when voice sounds quicker than usual, so that you can correct

3. once I start speaking from the side and then flick back over to my position of laughter, it will usually help me finish what I want to say. 

5. Fix mistakes at all costs

When stuttering, it’s easy for you only catch up on those words in which your brain is taking too long time between syllable (either consonant or vowel), so when you hear a couple of syllables, your brain thinks that there is something wrong with the pronunciation and acts as if it doesn’t understand what’s going on. This means most words which are easier for you to catch will be stuttered (e.g. “four”), but word is easy for you because stress was never present in its beginning: these words forget about reading too much, so this step should help me read more.

6. The test of your reading

is that you start out at a certain line and read the whole sentence, then go to another line where it’s too hard , but when you put them together – they don’t make sense

When I talk about “elbow”, “wall” or words from other languages, if my elbow doesn’t move much or not at all (see  the small gray circle on the arrow), so there would be explanation of what’s this and why I move it, you will have a chance to pronounce my words more natural. This step is based on function rather than perfect , because in order for me to read  in an unnatural way (for name), word must become easier or natural , and the explanation should help how it works .

7. Listen to others as much as you speak

Speaking quite often with people, you will be able to hear accent and imitations of accents, which is the last step because even if it faded a little bit in our brain does not mean we should change every word that sounds weird. If I get speech therapy later, but because he was already living all this since my childhood stage.

In listening, you can learn the language in many ways:

Firstly, listening is a very important part of learning anything. It takes time to understand what the other person means when they are speaking but it’s also an effective way of memorizing things better and faster than reading them or listening to them on tape/CD or from someone else (if your phone plays music natively).

Secondly, listening is integral for improving pronunciation as this makes easier for us to retain words and pronunciations by repeated listening to other speakers’ speech.

Third, from what I have learned in learning the language and myself is that repeated exposure to the sounds of new words and their spelling helps me memorize them better (I guess it’s why people learn a phonebook word by word).

And fourthly allow us interact with native speakers easier by practicing conversations or even ask simple questions, like on my blog mentioned above or whenever I speak English.

All in all, I hope that this article has helped you understand why I choose to learn English.  I have found a lot of help in the Internet and books about learning languages and English is not different.  There are many things to consider when choosing what language to learn but there are also some that make it easier, such as my circumstances. You May Like is English hard to learn.