How I Can Improve My English? Tips From An Expert On Learning Foreign Languages

The language you speak will not only determine the kind of job you get, but also the culture of your daily life. There are many ways in which learning English improves your chances of a good job. It opens up new career opportunities and broadens your horizons. The process of learning is also fun and exciting, so it’s no wonder that more and more people are taking it up as a hobby.

The English language is a powerful tool. It allows us to communicate in almost any environment and with any person, making it one of the most widely used languages on the planet. As you start learning English, you will be amazed at how much there is to learn and how quickly you can understand new words. Here are some tips that will help you improve your English skills. See also, how to improve English.

How can I improve my English? Is there a way to learn the language better, so that it will be easier for me to communicate with other people and make friends? Learning the English language requires practice, but you don’t have to know everything in order to do it.

All of us have to learn English for some particular reason or the other. While we cannot deny that learning a new language is hard, especially when you do not know where to start, it does not mean that we should not try our best.

This article will help you in learning the grammar and improving your vocabulary by giving you some simple tips and tricks. See also, improving English.

7 Ways To Quickly Improve Your English Language Skills

Watch movies in English

This is one of the best things a person can do to quickly improve his skills. Seeing English movies will help you learn more vocabulary and pronunciation. There are many English films made lately which are used as Bollywood-films in India and also make millions at box office worldwide, both for hit songs as well as good stories with great dialogues performed by some superb actors like Tom Cruise or Will Smith apart from other international stars who have gone overseas early in their career to get more opportunities and gain international recognition.

Immerse yourself in English language news

If you are living in a country that has English as one of the official languages, then news about the language is what will help improve your writing skills and understanding for those days when you are not learning. Why just pick up anything from newspaper or magazines all day long? Like reading novels, listening to their contemporaries’ stories and people’s experiences on TV shows increases your desire to know more by making it comfortable and fullfilling.

Start a vocabulary book of useful words

The first thing to do before going out is setting up a vocabulary book along with some basic rules. You can use the free online translator or put it on your smartphone. Just make sure you type them correctly and easily, then practice yourself until they become second nature while having fun doing that one little part of learning English language which will be helpful when writing better essays, posts etc. For more useful words check here: Words To Increase Your Vocabulary To help kick start your learning, spend short time and think deeply about a word that could describe the emotion you are feeling.

Have conversations in English

Emotions come first to your thoughts, so why not translate these into English language at least with your friends who already know the simplest words you will ever learn and use them freely in daily conversations.

Practice, practice, practice

You can spend hours writing carefully in an essay or a post. Why don’t you know how to speak English? Lose yourself in the moment and truly enjoy all that you have discovered while deep into this wonderful language of your dreams, what do I mean exactly?! Practice doing activities like speaking with people who already are good at it! Teach some words to those around you as they might actually use them later on during conversations as email or SMS messages in your own language, keep it cool though: be their proud teacher and don’t let them speak the words that only you know.

Curiosity doesn’t always kill the cat

One word I feel is a must to know and understand but the problem is finding some place where you can practice that specific aspect of language on daily basis. For example, at school most likely they will wait for you to learn how to read or speak first other than listening, then maybe one day we might go part-or full-time learners (never my case) as English teachers discussing classroom just in case your options don’t come up after term’s end. Chances are with the Greek language, even if you wished it there is no said way. Maybe some more specific topics would work, like how to use verbs or irregulars (this one definitely needs dedicated weekly posts).

For anyone this person who lives in other country and speaks 90% along English as a first/second language, I recommend these: Easy Steps To Speak Fluently In 20 Minutes.

Don’t forget to have fun while you learn

Knowing the basics of grammar is only half the trick. As a second one, now would be the right time to go into phrases and words that you can start using in real life situations: while waiting at a place they charge $15 per hour instead of 15 minutes (hello wasted time), when someone from work asks if it was worth losing an afternoon for some business meeting minute budget brainstorming meetings or before going online again as I am about to write something I should clean my desk first.

All in all, my biggest wish is to have a very well-rounded and deep knowledge of the Greek language, so that I can go back to Greece one day and enjoy the place where I was born, at least in some way.