English Learning Skills Steps

I have learned so much about English language in the last few years. I have attended many courses and tutorials, but they were not really enough to learn more. There are some people who still can’t speak English well, they don’t know how to talk with other people and it is very annoying for them. I think that everyone should learn English at least a little bit because it is a very useful language in our life.

At various stages of your life, you may want to learn a new language. There are a number of ways in which you can do this. Here are some tips for learning English step by step that will help you learn the language faster and more efficiently.

English Learning Skills Steps

1. Learn vocabulary While you are learning your target language (English), don’t forget to practice. You can do this by reading newspapers or watching TV news in your native language and also listening to the podcasts of BBC World News every morning, it will be a great help for pronunciation skills!

2. Learn how to pronounce properly   It is very important that we learn how to speak English correctly because most of the mistake people make when they try speaking another languages are because of the bad pronunciation. The first and most important part, obviously is to have the sound correct but you should also be aware that there are many words, which aren’t so simple in English; for example “sofa” is not only a couch but it’s also means “to sit”. Also you need to learn how show your emotions when speaking.

3. Learn new words It could help you improve your vocabulary as well since if we learn new words, we will know the meaning of which word and most importantly we can remember it later. This is very important since every word you learn could bring a lot of benefits to your life.

4. Learn grammar The most important thing is to learn grammar principles because these are the base of your language. You have a degree in English so you may already know some things but it will be very beneficial for you if we focus more on different parts about grammar, such as verb tenses and sentence structures. This will allow you to understand English more clearly and make your pronunciation much better!

5. Start reading How to start reading Although most people think that a person can’t learn how read in English, is not necessary. If you have the desire and goodwill to do it or if you have already started learning this important skill in other subjects, then there’s nothing more we need to do! The key things are: practicing every day.

6. Learn whole sentences  If you tried to learn every part about English, then in time you will have a full understanding of this language. Plus it goes better but if don’t know how read from the very beginning and your teacher says “It’s too late” or other negative things that can discourage us. The best way is to start learning all sentences with these key parts: subject verb object sentence starters and complete sentence starters This could be hard at first so we usually just begin to learn a full sentence, like if you have already learned the subject then put it in your whole sentences. Now we just need to add more parts that should be included in each English sentence such as: negations (if), past tense verb morphology and any other new thing apart from this most important ones so those who don’t learn grammar normally won’t make mistakes!

7. Sing along

It’s an effective way not only to improve our pronunciation but also develop skills of… identification and listening. And speaking in salsa music is awesome! So any English grad has to sing salsa song sooner or later!

8. Listen to new media

Another effective way is listening and watching lots of English example in different ways, like BBC or other news channels as it represents the majority part of spoken language today. We could for instance learn about grammar through this scene rather than from book but will get a better understanding because we can see what happens with sentences so sometimes I believe that actors should know how to talk about the characters’ intentions although some are complicated just make them understandable so all can understand and be interested in this scene plus it also teaches your mind how to learn or remember some things like grammar.

9. Watch TV

Yes, that is what we do around the world but in English you can get a lot of interesting entertainment by using both VOD (Netflix etc) and TV channels. 10. Learn online

Many people prefer watching Netflix on smartphones these days and that is great as there are different other language services like Fluentish, Duolingo Engage or Memrise to learn about English grammar in app form, for instance, I use them all the time (I could get a premium but it’s not necessary). So choose what you think best suits your needs!

In addition, YouTube has its own lessons which can be very helpful but I wouldn’t recommend that as it’ll be very hard to learn English grammar and all these loops won’t help you in many cases. Maybe something like Duolingo but with a lot of exercises making you check the structure by yourself using different ways instead of matching words. Read more, is English hard to learn.

10. Find a community of language learners

Finding a community could be the best thing you can do from now on, if it is an online one. I found some communities that support foreign learners but especially beginner ones because they have many grammar errors and others mistakes or just different views of language so finding locals talking about their life by mostly learning English was indeed very useful at first.

All in all, learning English is one of the best and most exciting ways, but learning grammar should be a priority. This chapter could help you improve your pronunciation during reading in different situations which will greatly contribute to correct usage or find simple mistakes to fix as soon as possible so when chatting with natives you don’t make inconsiderable errors…

I hope these techniques work for everyone who reads this and please share if they do! Good Luck!