Asian Countries Where English Is the Official Language

Asians are the largest ethnic group to speak English in the world. In fact, there are at least one billion native speakers of English. This is a very impressive number and shows that Asia has an exceptional interest in learning new languages. There are several reasons why this could be, including immigration or globalization.

As a child, we all wanted to learn English. And that dream continues to be our burning desire in adulthood. If you are one of those who has set this goal for yourself, then it is time to get your language learning on track. Today, you can learn English through different mediums and the best way is by taking advantage of free online courses offered by native speakers.

When people think of a country that speaks English, they usually picture America. In reality, many countries speak English with varying degrees of fluency. Many others understand some English words and phrases, but can’t speak it.

As the world becomes more globalized, English has become an essential language. The top 10 Asian countries that speak English and the reasons behind it are discussed in this article. See also, what countries speak English.


The Republic of Singapore is home to many English speakers. The reason behind it is a relatively high influxes from migration over the last 60 years which has driven up the number of native English-speaking residents in particular age groups (Age Group 5–14, Age group 15+, and also for youths aged between 16 and 19).

United Kingdom

There are approximately 300 million people around the world who speak British English according to historical figures. England was originally home to the Angles and Saxons who spoke Old English. It is widely believed that they became ultimately assimilated with the populations of England, Scotland, and Wales by several centuries ago.


The majority population in Australia was once entirely made up of Aboriginal natives however 7 per cent still speak English which clearly demonstrates how quickly immigration affected this country only two-hundred years back. Notable areas speaking British English can be found among indigenous. The top 10 countries that speak English, listed in descending order

This list has been compiled from various sources such as air traffic report stats, government statistics and multiple other organisations. As stated before the most spoken language is considered British English.


The Filipino population includes more than 95% of them speak English however a quarter of the young people are bilingual in both Tagalog and English. Filipinos make use to speaking with many different cultures while they were living under Spanish colonial rule, therefore it is not surprising that there’s still many who can speak their lanaguage fluently or proficiently some or even better than those born philippines.


In Malaysia, English has been adopted as a compulsory language. The daily use of the vocabulary and grammar are taught in school at grade RK3 to 11 years old. A total percentage of 109590 Filipinos out of Malaysian population speak English which is 1 % provided by Canada immigration statistics coming into play again during talks with officials between countries involved to expand their economic relations (as reported in October 2008). See also, countries with English as official language.

Hong Kong, China

The place is home to a number of people speaks English majority comes from the Canadian immigration statistics namely where one-third or 19 161 Victorians I migrated during 2011. Immigration came here was mostly within British colonies on basis of foreign Chinese manager making business deals and political relationships for funding needed (some were also smuggled in) by both sides as well as laborers who provided an economic backbone that helped build Hong Kong’s status today. Since then, there are more than 47.5% of the female population are above 70 is spoken fluently while older men, who have spent most of their time to work in main economy (commercial) sector said that they can also speak English with some accent yet Fluent enough for as citizens working as interpreters Malaysia’s embassies and consulates.


Recently in late 70s, a small number of south Indians migrated to Canada were recruited as skilled workers with well-known spots where Indian educated students from top universities sent to study abroad along with the growing markets overseas like Burma Thailand etc. In Canadian Migration Statistics 2009 there are about 10% which came primarily by arranged marriages for better economic security (for both parties) over the 15 years. This is eventually changed to just under 8 % during year 2007 and then stopped in 2010. Criminal cases were also issued due to embassy notes following growing shortages of immigrants and expired visas (for people who came long ago). The yearly seasonal workers are showing an increasing tendency with the recent Olympic events which is helping Canada advertise on a global scale accounting for 5% from 799 000 international tourists annually. Still there aren’t many Indian Nationals aware that they can visit without prior permission either borders, depending only their nationality or just travel to nearby areas with ease.


The development of French in Canada is closely linked to the regional Arlet Parcours, a largely Franco­-Saxon program, which was set up by 4 different social and community organizations who helped spread information on Canadian immigration policies. It even endorsed reserved programs where applicants have the possibility to receive automatic acceptance into any public institution regardless of their competencies. This has increased nowadays because provincial governments decided not only to raise the acceptance on immigrants but also those who stay long enough (3 or more years in addition to residency). As an incentive, some cities have extended age of first residence included in bill categories which has helped boost immigration.

All in all, Canada is one of the top countries for foreign workers to work in, along with the United States and Australia. Canada’s economy has become more dependent on foreign labour as the country tries to cope with a rapidly aging population. This can be seen in an increase in temporary foreign workers from all over the world including India. You May Like is English hard to learn,